Danzas lunares
Thesis 31: The eye and the ear are attractors of contingencies.
Thesis 32: Materialism entails a prodigious accumulation of contingencies.
Thesis 33: Any contingency can be appropriated, organized and reformulated as a multinaturalist circumstance. [1]
Thesis 34: Every multinaturalist circumstance is an immediately relational multiplicity.
Thesis 35: What exists in multinature [2] are not self-identical entities perceived differently, but immediately relational multiplicities.
Thesis 36: Shamanic possession is the sensory outburst of the political cinema of agitation in an environment of immediately relational multiplicities.
Thesis 37: Cinema-trance implies the ability to see simultaneously according to incompatible, paradoxical and irreconcilable perspectives.
Thesis 38: The cinema-trance of agitation induces a superposition of heterogeneous states as well as the explosion in the beings of qualitative multiplicity typical of myth.
Thesis 39: Myth consists of a record of the movement of updating the present state of things from a precosmological, prehistoric and ancestral condition.
Thesis 40: Every mythical metamorphosis entails an eventual trance of contingencies.
Thesis 41: Myth is a multinaturalist hyperimage in motion.
Thesis 42: The determination and dialectical organization of the collective contents of contingent images constitutes and displays a hyperimage.

[1] The circumstance is the point of radical connection between contingency and facticity from which reason emerges. It is this situational sense of the circumstance in which reason acquires a possible determinability at the same time that it appears as a larval dimension that accompanies every entity, process and becoming (it should also be noted that the situational sense of the circumstance determines place, position and perspective). This perspective of nesting and infestation of reason supposes the nihilisation of something given. Reason, therefore, is, in principle, a lack of being with respect to a given being and not the emergence of a full being, this parasitic dimension of reason constitutes its expansive infra-being, that nothing of being, nothing of History in which contingency and facticity are linked.
[2]Multi-nature is a field of shamanic intersection between a constant epistemology and variable ontologies.
Thesis on Audiovisual by Colectivo Los IngrĂ¡vidos